
I am a huge makeup lover like the rest of you who are reading this currently.  Whatever I need, I won’t hesitate to buy but when it comes to eye palettes I’m always reluctant to buy one.  Why?  Because I don’t wanna spend all that money and only use about half of it and end up throwing the rest out.  And yes you look at an eye palette and think to yourself “I’m pretty sure all use all these colors” but then when you start using it, somehow it doesn’t really happen that way.

So somehow this year I’ve bought three eye palettes which I never do but I’m sure you beauties out there have bought like three of them in a month or more.  For me choosing a eye palette is one of the hardest decisions to make.  I don’t care if it’s $20.00 or $100 palette, I just wanna make sure it’s going to be used up. 

I know the eye palettes from Hudabeauty are crazy popular but I didn’t want to spend $100 on one eye palette.  So late last year the company came out with smaller ones for only $35.00 and I finally gave in and bought one.  Read on for my review of this eye palette.

Hudabeauty eye palette in Brown

What attracted me to this eye palette was the fact that I actually do not have any neutral or brown eyeshadows.  This palette consists of nine colors, eight of them being matte and one shimmery.  The other eye palettes have a lot of metallic, shimmery or demi matte eyeshadows but this palette was just what I was looking for.

But this warm brown collection is definitely more on the sienna side.  With the beige to the warm orange, pink and red and the deeper brown, burnt orange and even plum color, it does make for an interesting palette.  These colors are normally outside my comfort zone when wearing eye shadow but I decided to try them and so far there has been a positive response to them which is good because when you go out of your comfort zone it can be a little much.

But the copper eye shadow that is metallic I’ve used before and it’s good that I can mix it with the other matte colors to brighten the look up and it is easy to apply with either a brush or your finger.  Personally I like to apply it with my finger so you can get more color onto the eyelid and it is very easy to blend it out with the brush.

Actually I found that all the colors were easy to blend out with little too no fallout and the pigment of the eyeshadows are bright and bold but are easily blendable and you can soften them up pretty nicely.  I do enjoy working with the palette because I can easily work with them and incorporate them with my other eyes shadows.


My personal opinion on this eye palette is I do love the colors and you can go from a simple day look to glam look but I’m still getting used to the colors and trying to get comfortable with them.  But so far so good.  But I’m also experimenting and combining colors I’ve never done before and this palette is very helpful now that I have more matte colors to choose from.

This is my last blog post of the year, so I hope to see you here next year!  Have a good week my beauties!

Tip: remember that when using eyeshadows matte colors do tend to be bold but it can be flat if you don’t add some dimension to them.  So eyeshadows that have a soft iridescent to them or demi matte as they call them can add a little softness and the mention to a very matte eyeshadows.