The past year I have been struggling to find a spot treatment for my acne.  It’s been a tough road finding one that actually works and because the one I had always used for years and changed its spot treatment and no longer works for me, this is why I am trying to replace my acne treatment.  And I’m sure like some of you who suffer from breaking out, you want a treatment that is going to work and pretty fast.  This is why this time around, my third spot treatment that I am trying within a year, I did even more research to make sure I found one that works. 

After the one I was currently using for a few weeks didn’t work for me, I asked people on social media for help, I looked through some blog posts and I also went through several best-selling lists for spot treatments.  I even watched youtube videos for a couple of them to see before and after shots of the spot treatments.  Yes, I was obsessed at finding something that would work.

Back to those best-selling lists that I was looking at, I kept finding one that was on every list and had rave reviews.  I have heard about this brand and from time to time, I heard good things about this particular spot treatment.  Like celebrities love using it because it works overnight to get rid of your acne.  This type of statement never really works for me and I don’t care who uses it as long as it works.  But because of other people talking it up like it’s the most amazing thing ever, I decided I would give it a try.  Here is my review of my new spot treatment I purchased.

Mario Badescu Drying Lotion

This skincare line started in 1967 by Mario Badescu himself hoping that it will help to take care of people’s skin with ingredients that actually work.  Over 50 years later, this line has a massive following and a long list of products including hair and body that I didn’t know this line had.  But let me just talk about the one product that I have bought.

This drying lotion is $23.00 and comes in a small clear bottle that is 29 ml so not that much bigger than your average eye cream.  The contents in this bottle once separated and settled is clear liquid and pink powder which is the calamine that helps to calm the skin.  There’s also salicylic acid and sulfur which helps too dry out the acne.  the important thing about this product is that you can’t use it when the product is all shaking up.  You have to wait till the liquid and the pink powder is all separated and then you dip a Q tip into the pink powder and dab it on your breakouts.

Once I realized that you had to put this on after you put your serum and moisturizer on, I got the hang of it.  And yes I did put it on before my serum and moisturizer and was wondering why it wasn’t working, I then watched videos specifically on this drying lotion and finally figured it out!  Even a seasoned beauty expert like me make mistakes OK!

But once I figured it out, within three days the breakouts I was struggling to get rid of before, all seem to disappear but one that was a bit stubborn but it definitely got rid of it and did a better job than the one I used prior to this one.  So yes I did get excellent results from this drying lotion and I understand why it’s so popular.  I just had to get used to putting it on after my serum and moisturizer.

But although I do love this product and it works my only concern is that it has a couple of ingredients I’m not too fond of.  It has isopropyl alcohol which is a not so good alcohol that you don’t want in your skincare and it also has talc which I’m not a fan of either.  Even when I apply it on my skin you can smell the alcohol in it, that’s how strong it is.  I haven’t experienced any dryness or flakes of dried skin with this which I am relieved about.  And although I know it works very well and it does, I’m just on the fence about this product and how much I should love it.

In the summer time, my acne isn’t that bad and it is pretty much under control.  So I only use it when there is a break out or two.  But it does work and I finally found a solution to my acne.  When this is finished, will I keep buying it or will I find something else that is more suitable to my skin?  Well, when that time comes I’ll let you know but until then I will continue to use this product and see how my skin is doing with it.  Until then, have a good week my beauties!